Thursday, March 4, 2010

Silk Flowers, God's Timing, and Being Married to Mr. Wonderful

I did go to Hobby Lobby last Saturday and came home with silk flowers, stuff to make a Spring-themed wreath for the front door, and a bunch of nicely decorated wooden eggs.  I have never messed with silk flowers in any way that would make them look remotely attractive (okay, maybe I used some props in a play, but that's a different story), but I knew that nice things could be done with them because: a) I carried a beautiful silk flower bouquet as a bridesmaid in Melinda's wedding and b) I saw how cute and cheerful they were as decorations in the pharmacy.  I knew that I could arrange some silk gerber daisies in some vases to liven up the living room, but I wanted to do something for the bathroom.  Hobby Lobby offered a paper of free instructions on arranging silk hydrangea stems in a tall vase.  I love, love, love hydrangeas, so it looked like a great idea to me.  The trick for making them look less like tacky silk flowers?  Small river rocks in the bottom of the vase and fake water.  Yep, fake water.  Where will this craftiness go next?

(We won't discuss the part when I broke the tall vase bought specifically for the project.  Nor will we mention when the hydrangeas on the back of the toilet scared the dickens out of me while making a midnight jaunt into the bathroom.  Yeeps.)

Do you ever pray about something, and say that you trust that God will "make a way when there seems to be no way," etc, and then end up being totally floored when he does make an amazing way?  That happened to me this week.  We have been praying heartily for months for an opportunity for us to be in ministry and for Steve to pursue graduate studies at seminary.  I thought we had the perfect idea, but nothing seemed to be moving in that direction.  Then, early this week, Steve got an email that may result in both desires happening in ways that neither of us could have imagined even a few months ago.  I'll have to give more details when I know/can give more details, but needless to say, we are excited.

This has been a crazy ol' week, thanks to church ladies' meetings, random volunteering, and a super-quick overnight trip to Omaha to get Dave to the airport.  Then it's back to work for both of us.  Ho-hum. 

I am extraordinarily grateful to be married to someone who:
  • doesn't get grossed out by my throwing up
  • will drive out to Runza and pick up cinnamon rolls because I didn't have time to make them due to the first bullet point
  • sits and works on things at the soda fountain so that I don't get lonely when I'm working
  • does the budget stuff wholeheartedly
  • is excited about future possibilities and works hard to do his part in getting to those possibilities
  • likes spicy food
  • lets me sob convulsively for 45 minutes without getting freaked out
  • enthusiastically recreates sappy pictures in front of PF Chang's:

(This is when we knew that we were meant for each other but didn't say anything about it circa Thanksgiving 2008.)

(This is after we did something about the aforementioned conclusion circa March 2010.  Now we can touch each other.)


  1. Your silk flower arrangement looks great! :-)

    I have my silk bouquet sitting in a vase next to my computer. My mom did a really good job on all the bouquets! (And I have a reception table arrangement sitting on the filing cabinet...and on the two living room end tables...and in the downstairs bathroom...and our bedroom...)

  2. I love the flower arrangement. I need to get back into doing crafty stuff again now that life has slowed down a smidgem. Maybe scrapbooking will help my creative juices. ;-)

    I'm praying for God to make a way for something in my life, but I think His current answer is "wait." :-/ It's hard, because I hate to wait...2-3 years is a long, long time when your heart feels ready. God is still teaching me patience, lol. ;-) I do look forward to seeing how He works things out, I just wish I were more inclined to like His timing!

    That being said, it is very cool to see Him at work. I'm glad for you and Steve!

  3. Melinda, isn't it great to have instant home decor? Your mom is pretty amazing.

    Krista, waiting (even for a seemingly short time) is so hard. While considering the grand ideas, it's tempting to think, "Oh, that's when I'll be really doing something for God," or something like that. Even today I woke up thinking, "What is the purpose of today? I'm not really going to be *doing* anything." And then the response came thundering into my mind: You're supposed to be enjoying God and glorifying Him TODAY. Oof, it's a hard thing to learn sometimes. Praying for you!

    (And crafts can help so much, I have to say. :-))

  4. Love your husband rants. So cute and encouraging! The picture is cuteness :)
