Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Baby Talk VII

(Heh.  Do you realize how tempting it is for me to say, "I've been so busy and the blog is suffering and I hope you don't think that I'm a terrible person," and so on and so forth, yada-yada?  Yep, it's tempting.  I'm not going to do it.)

  • I made a massive to-do list of Things to Get Done Before the Baby Arrives.  It already has a majority of the items checked off, mostly because it makes me feel better to make a list that includes things that I've already accomplished on it.  Slightly check-mark obsessive?  That's me.  There were some items to purchase and ones to acquire that now have check-marks next to them, and that is pretty swell.  Steve is relieved that plastic pants aren't really pants, but are just plastic diaper covers.  I'm relieved to have finally placed an order with Motherwear.  My uncle and aunt contributed quite a collection of fun items (including an R2-D2-esque diaper pail) which arrived via the grandparents last week.  Yay!
  • There is a Baby Shower in the works thanks to My Favourite Aunt.  Mark June 11th on your calendars.
  • One Rubbermaid tub just isn't enough room to house the Baby Stuffage.  That's a good thing, I suppose, but I do need to get another tub.  It thrills my organizational soul to remove things from the Grocery Kart bags and put them into a tub.
  • This is my last week of work! 
  • Mom and I ventured forth to a LLL meeting last night down in Kearney.  The topic was on creating a birth plan which included things that would help breastfeeding get off to a good start.  It was neat to hear about the different birth plans and actual birth experiences of the moms in attendance.  Some had their births go just as "planned," and others had very different experiences (emergency c-section, baby in NICU, epidural, etc).  The most encouraging thing was that each of these situations resulted in a totally positive breastfeeding experience.  Some of the moms were expecting their first baby, others were nursing while pregnant, and some were older moms who came along to share.  Overall it was a positive experience and I look forward to going back.  The neato thing is that I am now in contact with a doula (I didn't know they existed around here) who may be able to not only help us review natural birth techniques, but also attend at the birth.  We shall see.
  • This Baby is going to be good at Jazzercise.  She has been particularly interested in stretching her legs out with such force and persistence that I can feel and see her little heels.  Sweet, funny, and rather shocking.
That's all for now, folks!


  1. I saw somewhere in the blogworld that felt wool diaper covers are waterproof. Have you seen that??

    Hurrah for Jazzerbaby!

  2. Yeppers. I think Mom had a few, actually. They are much nicer than the plastic ones (natural fibers usually are!), but there is a price tag along with that. Still, it might be good to invest in some. Or make some!
