Monday, July 5, 2010

Baby Talk X

We were up and at 'em this morning and off to another appointment.  Nothing has changed much, everything looks good, and there was the usual confusion about who I am and what I was supposed to be doing there.  Woo-hoo.

Okay, the following were taken at the request of Melinda, who claims that she hasn't seen many pictures of me in an expectant state.  I'm not totally keen on the whole stand-in-the-same-spot-and-take-a-picture-each-week routine (not that I have a problem with people who do, you understand), so I don't have a whole slough of pictures to share. But thankfully I have a sister who can whip out her camera and take some after the Fourth of July shindig at the parents' house.

Yay.  Complete with a sticker from Charlotte which reads, "I love you, Amelia."

The clutch the stomach look.

And this may be the expression you'd receive when asking when the due date is.  Depending on how hot it is, or how many times I've answered the question already that day.

I don't have anything else to say on this particular front.  Au revoir.


  1. me that last pix looks more like a Mommy look of "don't you DARE think about doing that..again!! LOL You are ADORABLE pregnant! thanks for sharing the pix. :-)

  2. Hurrah! Thank you so much for the pictures! You look at adorable as I expected. :-D
