Friday, July 16, 2010


We are discovering that most people, after offering congratulatory remarks, say something along the lines of, "Does she sleep through the night?" or "Are you getting any sleep?" or "How's the sleeping going?"  Discussions of babies and sleeping are as prevalent as the mention of heat/air conditioning during a summer pregnancy.  I know that most folks are trying to find a common ground of conversation and I appreciate it.  It's just kind of funny that sleep is always the topic.

I'm thankful to report that, yes, we are sleeping well.  As some of you know, Steve and I are trying the co-sleeping, family bed, whatever-you-want-to-call-it and having Harriet sleep with us.  The first few nights were horrible, not because she wasn't sleeping but because I was a nervous wreck.  When she was in bed with us I just knew that I would squish her or that the sheets would suffocate her.  If I put her in the bassinet, I stressed about her not breathing or that she would be bawling and I wouldn't hear her (riiiiight)   Harriet slept like a log while I sat next to her wide awake and as stiff as a board, craning to hear every breath and nervously moving the sheets.  It was so hard to let down my guard and let God protect her during the night.  I know that he loves her infinitely more than I do and that his watchcare is ever so much more sufficient than mine, but it was a rubber-meets-the-road issue of trusting him.

So I cried a bunch and talked to Mom about it and prayed very specifically about my concerns.  Praise God that his peace does pass all understanding and that he provided some great tools to ease my concerns.  We bought a wonderful co-sleeper  which works like a charm.  Harriet can't go anywhere, nothing can get up around her face, and since I know exactly where she is, I'm able to sleep really well.  She is still in bed with us, so she has all of the benefits of co-sleeping and we don't have to get up every few hours and fetch her from a crib.  And she seems to sleep better in her own spot without flopping into me and remembering that it's snack time.  It is fantastic.

I'm trying to focus on the quality of our sleep versus how many hours are spent sleeping.  Does it really matter if I'm getting four total hours of sleep one night and six the next if I'm feeling rested the next day?  Harriet is consistent in needing to snack every two to three hours, and she is also consistent about falling back to sleep quickly during the night.  We have learned (in our one week of parenting experience - woo) to stay awake past her 12am party time, make sure she's full and changed and then go to sleep.  This routine seems to afford the most solid sleep at the onset of the, early morning.  (This routine also requires a good nap in the afternoon, but that works well thus far).  

Harriet has her one week appointment this afternoon, so Auntie Clara and I are venturing out.  Then we are all heading down to Kearney for an evening of double-dating and seeing the community theater performance of The King and I.  So many adventures in one day!

(Oh goody!  Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream is playing on Pandora!)


  1. Did you get the toddler guard rail?

  2. Plan another double-date between August 2-4, if you like! I'll babysit! :)

  3. You can plan a date night for while we are there too!

  4. Eeps! I'll have to remember the guard rail and the bouncy seat!
