Monday, September 13, 2010

Harriet at Nine Weeks

Dear old Harriet is nine weeks, now, and to celebrate she went to Target and got her very own Bumbo chair:

Harriet is a trifle wobbly in neck to maintain proper head support for the duration of her sitting experience, but a little Boppy pillow solves that problem quite well.  So she sits and talks and goos and laughs at us and generally enjoys observing the world from her preferred upright position.  No bouncy chairs for her.  No, siree.  She has also discovered that the taggie blanket from Aunt Bug is really the best toy around:

She will spend a relatively long time trying to figure out how to shove the ribbons in her mouth and trying out the different textures.  She also loves to sing along with my renditions of "Blowin' in the Wind," "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away," and "Jesus is Coming Again."


  1. I could die from over exposure to cuteness right now... :)

  2. Nora was wobbly at first in her Bumbo seat, but before long she really strengthened her neck, and she does great it in now! She loves her Bumbo seat way more than her bouncer chair too.

  3. I'm right there with you, Jen.
