Friday, October 1, 2010

Fantabulous Friday: Winnie-the-Pooh

I came home from running errands yesterday to discover Steve and Harriet cuddled up on the couch with this:

That makes my heart happy, yes it does.

Apparently Harriet listened to two whole stories while I was gone (I guess she her reading attention span is longer than her crafting attention span...we must work on this...).  Then we pulled out her very own Winnie-the-Pooh book:

It's so cute.  She loved it and we loved it.

I've been spoiled by things like Winnie-the-Pooh (and Dickens and Austen and Wodehouse and Sayers and Lewis and Tolkien and even McCall-Smith) and I'm having a terrible time finding new books to read that are actually worth it.  What about you?  What's something that you have enjoyed reading recently?  Let me know!


  1. Hehe, that is too funny Tim! =) AnnaBeth likes "Wind in the Willows", but we saw it as a movie. I'll have to see if the library has the book.

  2. Have you read much Booth Tarkington? I'm currently re-reading "Seventeen". The Penrod trilogy is also lots of fun, and "Cherry" is another one I enjoyed.

  3. **whispers** I love your blogs new look!
