Monday, October 18, 2010

Harriet at Fourteen Weeks

Here is Harriet at fourteen weeks of age:

Photos by Auntie Clara
As you can see, Harriet has been working on building up her neck muscles and now she can sit in the Bumbo chair unassisted.  She continues to explore the world through grabbing whatever is closest to her (paper, hair, Mr. Elephant, her pants, and so on) and sticking it into her mouth.  She loves to tell stories and sing along to songs and generally entertain the masses.  Last week involved the beginning of a rather nasty habit of popping on and off whilst eating, along with a lot of aggravated scratching and kicking.  I think that hurting Mommy is not a Good Thing.  So Harriet is learning to redirect her scratching into grabbing my fingers while she eats as well as discovering that messing around results in no food source.  There are consequences, my dear darling girl.

I have been reading a book on infant massage and have been practicing some of the techniques on Harriet after her bath.  Since this affords her more time sans clothing (which is loves) spending time massaging has been a fun experience for both of us.  I really enjoy finding new ways to grow in my relationship with her, even when she is so small.

Harriet did well on her second weekend-long trip as she only had two major screaming fits.  I certainly didn't experience quite the nerve-frying this time around as on the trip to Colorado.  (Maybe I was just more relaxed about taking her on a road trip and that helped things overall.)

Speaking of road trip, there's nothing like a few days away from home to make you feel rather pooped out and unmotivated upon your return.  I guess I was motivated enough to fill a cupcake order this morning, do some laundry, and work on Christmas presents.  But now a nap sounds like a good idear.

You can see the rest of the photo shoot, plus some other random October pictures here:


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. That one of her smiling with her twinkling eyes is too much!

  2. Ooooh!! The cuteness!!

    Pray tell...what's the Art Quiltie thing?

  3. What a cutie patootie! ;) Love reading your blog! You guys are such an awesome family!
