Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy

I have a list about as long as the Sleepy Wrap of ideas for my blog.  I want to write about teaching children about Christ and about our silly candle experiences of late and how the Law is preached more than the Gospel and about how I want to be Edith Schaeffer when I grow up and...things like that.

And I was going to write some sort of brain squishifying post today about having to watch others struggle and wanting to always give the right answers, but I feel splendidly joyful on this perfect Autumn day and writing about depression was sure to get me rather gloomy.  Instead, I'm going to list five things that make me particularly happy today.

Number One: Babies.

Steve and I started watching this documentary last night on Netflix.  It is utterly delightful.  The lack of narration amplifies the simplicity and beauty of the babies as they grow in each of the different environments.  (And, yes, I started crying when the newborn African baby nursed...I swear it gets me every time.)

Number Two: A Cloudless Blue Sky.
Harriet and I went for a jaunt down to the hospital auxiliary Rummage Sale this morning and the weather was beyond incredible.  Why can't fall just stay here forever and ever?  (Getting 25 cent jeans at the sale makes me happy, too.)

Number Three: Cute Engagements.
Clara shared this link about a super-cute engagement photo session with me yesterday.  Oh. My. Goodness.  Can I please get married again so we can take pictures like this?  Steve already has the glasses...

[Amelia runs to get a Kleenex.]

Okay, I'm back.

Number Four: Bungalows. 
Did you know that my darling little house is really and truly called a Bungalow?  Lo and behold, that's what the appraisal papers say.  I've wanted to live in a Bungalow ever since I read about the Moffatts living in a Bungalow...or was it the Pyes?  Man, mothering brain has taken its toll and Google isn't helping me out here.  Anyways, I live in a Bungalow with a hydrangea in the backyard that I didn't even have to plant.

Number Five: The MOPS Steering Committee
Our MOPS meeting was yesterday morning and I was truly blessed by how our steering committee works so efficiently and well together.  I love the maturity, the empathy, the genuine helpfulness and the Christ-honoring spirit exhibited in these ladies.  It makes all of the hard work of planning and conducting each meeting seem like fun!  And it's making me smile a whole day later.

So, tell me: what is making you happy today?

  But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;
         Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;
         Let those also who love Your name
         Be joyful in You. (Psalm 5:11, New King James Version)


  1. I wrote a nice long comment and cyber space ate it. Now I am not happy!

  2. The things that make me happy are:
    1. Harriet Alice! I love getting new pictures of her and spend too much time studying them. I just love being a Grami, though this distance grandparenting does not make me happy. But knowing she has such a wonderful happy family and so many loving relatives around her makes me happy.
    2. My kids! I thank God every day for having such wonderful children and I thank Him for bringing Godly spouses into our family. I am excited to see how our family grows.
    3. Hearing from my Kids. I love every text, call, email, note, voice mail, or facebook entry from you all! It makes the fact that 7 out of 9 of you don't live here a bit more bearable!
    4. This endless summer! Not only is it in the mid 80's everyday and 60's at night but we still have baseball to enjoy (or be tortured by) Go Giants!
    I love the clear skys and the birds are really active right now. This morning a flock of geese flew over honking their way south.
    5. Spending time with my love of almost 30 years. I really enjoy the time I spend with Paul. I look forward to what God has in store for us in the future.

    So there is my list for five happy things. Not as well phrased as dear Amelia's but few can write like she can.

  3. 1. My cute husband
    2. Early morning walks in the dark
    3. Sweet sisters and neiecey
    4. Vintage patterns
    5. My sweet baby
    6. Always having enough.

  4. Ah! I love that engagement photo session!

    Things making me happy today:
    1: The last piece of chocolate cake...that I just ate. *guilty*

    2: Accidental phone call from nephew. "Yeah... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." Very insightful two year old. I love him.

    3: Pretty, pretty pink fabric.

    4: Watched the sunrise on beach this morning. It was gorgeous. gorgeous. gorgeous.

    5: Beach cottages with picket fences. I needs one.

    6:Amelia's post and Clara's comment. ;)

  5. Hmmm...

    1. No more cold sensitivity in my mouth, and no dry socket:)
    2. A beautiful, nearly finished quilt to take photos of on a fabulous fall day.
    3. Knowing that even though I don't understand...I'm in the palm of the Almighty's hand.
    4. Even though I don't have any of my own, I get to hang out and cuddle other people's children. What a blessing!
    5. Amelia posted about things making her happy...and so I had to stop thinking negatively and count my blessings:)
    Thanks, Amelia!!

  6. 1. Having wonderfully supportive, intelligent, wise, helpful, godly adult children (and some sweet grandchildren).
    2. Silver Bella! And everything that I've gained by participating.
    3. A glimmer of hope that I've glimpsed in _Knowing God_ about being a worker for and with God.
    4. This wonderful not-too-hot-not-too-cold weather.
    5. A freshly mopped floor.

    (And I agree with you about MOPS Steering. Wow. Praise the Lord!)

  7. Oooh, I want to play!
    At the risk of being repetative,
    1. Looking at the new pictures of Harriet! She just brightens up my day and fuels my prayer life in a way noone else can! :)

    2. My new Pumpkin Spice candle- A calorie free way to enjoy the sweet pumpkiny- autumny happy scent!

    3. Being back in Boston after 10 days on the road- I'm so surprised that after this first long trip away, it felt like I was coming home a little!

    4. Knowing that the Lord is with me and looking out for me- Big almost disasters on my trip and a current budget crisis have me refocusing on the way that God has delivered me, and that He is with me even when noone else is most of the time!

    5. My new boots, rainboots and raincoat which make me feel much more prepared to stay warm, dry and fashionable this season! :)

    Love ya!
