Thursday, January 19, 2012

Movies of Harriet

Steve's parents generously gifted us with a Flip camera for Christmas.  This was a welcome gift since the Flip I bought for Steve last year was mysteriously crushed in our computer bag.  (And this is when I start to wonder why I even bother putting stuff where it belongs....)  Most of you are aware that I am really bad about capturing those precious, once-in-a-lifetime moments on any sort of photographic device.  But recently I have been making a feeble effort to grab the Flip and get some of this on film.  Or digital bits.  Or whatever.

You will probably be more interested in this stuff if you are related to Harriet.

In this movie, Harriet shows off her skills at using edible fingerpaint.  (It took a lot for me to let everybody get this messy, but it was definitely worth it.  We're so totally doing this again.)

Here we have Harriet revealing that she can match colors correctly.  I was shocked.

And finally, Harriet's bath time opera, accompanied by her mother.  Ooh, lala.

Ta-ta for now....