Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Holiday Prep: The Christmas Cards

My calendar tells me that Christmas is just over six weeks away.  Got that?  Six weeks!  My brain could quickly overload with all that needs to be done: mailing cards, purchasing gifts, planning menus, and so on and so forth.  Thankfully, last year my mother-dear introduced me to the glories of the FlyLady Holiday Control Journal, and now I'm convinced that my holiday season will never be the same.  It's all about planning ahead, writing things down in a jolly little notebook, and (most of all) not procrastinating.

So that's why I'm thinking about Christmas cards in the middle of November.  I'm looking at card styles on because...

I enjoy their styles

(You can tell that I'm kind of into the one-picture-per-card look this year, but Shutterfly has many different styles available here.  Especially if your fambly can get more than one nice picture.)

I enjoy Shutterfly's services.  I have purchased prints and photo books from Shutterfly for many years and have always been satisfied with the quality of the products.  Plus, if you sign up for their email updates you can snag some pretty delightful deals.  Right now they are offering a promotion for bloggers to receive 50 free photo cards: 

Clara took some family photos of us this past week:

(Those are the goofy ones.  Most of them were goofy, thanks to Steve's weird smiles and Harriet's ability to look at everything  but the camera.  There was one good one and it's going on the card.  So you'll just have to get a card.)


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