But this post is about a project, right? You see, Harriet slept for over two hours yesterday afternoon. It was incredible. I finished my schoolwork for the week and promptly marched downstairs to work on a sewing project. I saw this bag on Pinterest and immediately fell in love. I need a bag to tote my Jazzercise mat and weight around in and my drawstring bag was completely falling apart.
I made the bag from my absoballylutely favourite home dec fabric in the whole world...which was found on Pinterest as well. (The fabric was actually the leftovers from my wondrous living room curtains - now I can carry my favourite fabric around with me!)This yoga bag is fully lined and has three pockets on the outside to carry keys, cellphone, water bottle, etc. There isn't a whole lot of room for the weights in the pockets, so I roll them up inside my mat and that works swell.
As typical with Amy Butler patterns, the instructions leave nothing to the imagination and sometimes this attention to detail made the instructions not very clear at all. I read through them, got the global picture, and then kind of took off on my own.
At one point in the process I realized that I was mentally narrating everything I was doing. With a British accent. That, my friends, is how you know I'm completely zoned out and in my happiest of places.
I was so excited to take my bag to Jazzercise. When I got there I discovered that we were going to do the entire routine without the mat and weights. Bah. Oh well, I'll have something to show off next week.
(January 10th
A gift that's sour: my Norwex rag smells rather sour right now, but my kitchen consequently does not.
A gift that's sweet: seeing Baby E's sweet little nose on the ultrasound this morning.